Best practices, reducing risks, looking to the future

Diving is a hazardous activity – whether undertaken for work or leisure. Divers are totally reliant on life support equipment and on a dedicated support team on the surface. Underwater work can introduce significant hazards and many activities which can be carried out without problems on the surface can be very dangerous underwater – e.g. using powered tools or mechanical lifting. The risks associated with diving are generally well known and can be controlled effectively by appropriate training, planning, equipment and procedures.

Health, Safety, Environment and Quality Policy

The management of Rana Diving S.p.A. has decided to pursue a policy for health, safety, environment and quality, and ensure a continuous improvement of processes and services.

The objective is to achieve:

  • zero injury and occupational illness

  • zero damage to properties

  • minimum damage to environment

  • full client's satisfaction

manutenzione caschi

In order to reach these objectives, Rana Diving is committed to:

  1. maintaining the highest international standards of the diving industry.
  2. promoting active participation from all personnel in contributing to the effectiveness of the management system;
  3. minimising the effects on the marine environment through adequate work practices;
  4. selecting safe products with the lowest feasible environmental impact;
  5. setting measurable performance indicators which are useful for monitoring processes and management system;
  6. planning and providing effective training based on the highest standards;
  7. encouraging all personnel to report hazardous conditions and opportunities for improvement;
  8. providing proper plant and equipment and maintaining them in a safe condition;
  9. carrying out assessments based on impartial evidences using the process approach and risk-based thinking.

This policy applies to all personnel working for Rana Diving.


Health, Safety, Security, Environment and Quality – an Integrated System

Rana runs an Integrated Management System, combining quality management, environmental protection and occupational health and safety.
It regulates the strategic responsibility and the operational practices in these fields of work, across all operational plants and work locations within the company.
The IMS is certified by Lloyd's Register in accordance with the following standards:

  • UNI EN ISO 9001:

    2015 Quality Management Systems


  • UNI EN ISO 14001:

    2015 Environmental Management Systems

UNI EN ISO 14001

  • ISO 45001:

    2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems - Requirements

ISO 45001


Rana has issued the following policies:

  • HSEQ Policy

    (see above)

  • Alcohol, Drugs and Smoking Policy

  • Stop Work Policy

The Alcohol and Drugs Policy is consistent with the requirements of the Italian laws, which forbids the use of alcohol and drugs in the working environment and sets regulations for the testing of workers.

Rana promotes the stop work policy as a means of incident prevention. Any member of the diving team has the right to notify his/her superior of any hazards and stop any work which he/she considers to be unsafe.

The policies have been issued and endorsed by the Rana Top Management, distributed to each worker and posted publicly on company boards.
The policies apply to all Rana worksites, including Rana subcontractors.


Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct describes the ethical standards which apply to all actions by Rana Diving and its employees. The Code applies to all Rana personnel.
The key points of the Code are:

  • a commitment to the safety and health of all personnel and to protect the environment;
  • open, honest and fair management;
  • open, honest and fair dealing with our business associates;
  • encouraging the personal development of our employees and ensuring fair employment practices.

 Code of Conduct

Internal control Model 231

Rana Diving has adopted the internal control Model 231 to comply with the Legislative Decree 231. This Model complements the Code of Ethics to prevent crimes and misconducts. Below a summary of the Model 231 is available.

Model 231


Contact us

We have been our Client’s eyes and hands into the water for over 50 years.
We can assist you in complex projects and take full responsibility on critical packages to help you to reach your goals.

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